senderismo como alternativa al running

SHA Magazine Fitness

Hiking vs. Running

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 9, 2016

Running has become the trendiest sport in the past years since it is easy to practice and generates important health benefits. However, it is not a discipline that everyone can enjoy. Celebrities like Kendall Jenner or Taylor Swift changed for hiking though. For those who cannot run or those who don’t enjoy a race, hiking can be a good alternative. Find out why:


Similar disciplines

Hiking and running are perfect sports to reduce stress and are really effective to improve the cardiorespiratory system. Moreover, they are accessible to any budget since you do not need to spend a lot of money in equipment or to practice it. You just go to the closest park or hill!


Getting closer to nature

The big difference between hiking and running is that the first one allows you to enjoy the environment that surrounds you. Hiking gets people closer to the natural environment and increases their knowledge of the area through patrimony, cultural and ethnographic elements.


Benefits for mind and body

As any sport, hiking permits us to get in shape and improves our physical state, resistance and pulmonary capacity. Of course, the musculature of the inferior part of the body will benefit more with the practice of this sport. As it is an aerobic sport, it is a perfect exercise to prevent heart diseases, since this kind of disciplines activate blood circulation and strengthens the heart. For that same reason, walking in the mountains is ideal to reduce high blood pressure too. Being in contact with nature, far away from the noise and stress of the city, will make us feel a deep inner peace that will relax us a lot in order to face new challenges coming.


A sport for anyone

Hiking does not present any contraindication. It is suitable for anyone. Moreover, it is convenient for any budget since expensive equipment is not needed.

– The clothing and general equipment for medium and large distance walks is composed of comfortable shoes with hard sole.
– It is important to dress in layers and to carry food and drink.
– Walking sticks are not mandatory but they permit to alleviate the knees.
– A very important aspect is the weight of the equipment. It is better to choose useful and portable objects with minor weight and volume possible.


If you do not like or you cannot run, try hiking! It will provide the same benefits than running, besides enjoying the beauty of nature.


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