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What shall I do on my Holidays?

July 7, 2016

Until the XX century, Doctors prescribed holidays for their patients as if they were some kind of medicine, and most likely they are, so we need to think about our health while planning our vacation time. This may be too much but it’s true that it’s important to take care of our wellbeing during holidays, as it doesn’t seem to have much logic to go on holidays that will require second holidays just to complete a full mind and body disconnection.

The frenetic rhythm we endure throughout the year also prevents us from maintaining healthy habits, therefore, vacation time is the ideal moment of the year to take care of ourselves.

Overeating and drinking, the infamous buffets on cruises and resorts, the piña coladas, staying up late, the sedentary lifestyle and spending all day in the sun, are obsolete habits that are no longer trendy nor healthy.

Holidays instead are an ideal time to do a fine tunning, learn more about ourselves, leave behind the stress and reduce anxiety, and this shouldn’t be assumed as leaving behind the pleasant component that must be present during holidays. Of course destination is also important.

If this are not real holidays for you, your mindset on what holidays should be will change once you experiment how a positive and long lasting change on your health and wellness can be made still enjoying your holidays to the maximum.

Our method is not aggressive, not a bootcamp, not about hunger, is a sustainable one that will allow us to enjoy while taking care of ourselves with our family and meeting new people that share our concerns, as well as taking with us the knowledge and the tools back home.

Pilates, Yoga, Mindfulness, mountain or beach strolls, refreshing natural juices, healthy food classes… wellness is a holiday option growing by 25% each year.


Once you experiment the benefits of healthy holidays, no other option is even considered.


Alejandro Bataller – Vicepresident SHA Wellness Clinic


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