
Berries properties
Berries properties

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Berries properties

October 10, 2013

Antioxidant berries

Berries health benefits

Berries, also known as wild berries or red fruits, are especially remarkable for their high antioxidant power. Strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. gthey all have in common, besides the red color that characterizes and groups them, their high content of flavonoids. Flavonoids are one of the biggest and effective free radical scavengers known because, in addition to delaying the aging process, antioxidants help prevent diseases such as cancer (berries are considered as anticancer foods), cardiovascular disease or hypertension.

berries benefits

Berries, really good as part of a healthy diet, also stand out as diuretic and detoxifying foods (berries are one of the ultimate detox foods), uric acid regulators and, for its content in fiber, they help fight constipation. But it is also interesting to note the properties and benefits of each kind of berry.


Besides being antioxidants, strawberries contain an special acid which helps to neutralize the snuff effect. So,we specially recommend them for those who are trying to stop smoking.

strawberries health benefits


Blueberries are one of the most prominent antioxidants berries and they are high in proanthocyanidins, which act as a natural antibiotic so that eating blueberries helps prevent infections and diseases.


The gooseberries are noted for their high content of vitamin C, not containing the high acidity of citrus. Vitamin C helps to prevent and heal colds thanks to its antiseptic effect.

gooseberries benefits


Blackberries, besides being one of the tastiest antioxidant berries, are known to help lower cholesterol and triglycerides in blood.

blackberries benefits


Cherries, despite being one of the fruits with more sugars (so we recommend moderate consumption) are known for their ellagic acid content to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

cherry benefits

Umeboshi plum

We could also include in this group the red plums, especially the Japanese variety umeboshi, already known for its many health benefits, especially for its natural analgesic effect that helps remove headaches. In addition, a prestigious study of American Chemical Society showed that flavonoids in the berries help keep the brain active and healthy, promoting its natural cleansing process by neutralizing free radicals, so that they not only help to delay the aging process, but also to improve memory and enhance mental alertness.

Berries recipes

Soon we will share some tasty and healthy recipes with red berries but for now we suggest the homemade berries tea: a berries infusion that allows to have all the benefits of berries and their antioxidant properties without the calories and sugar we’ll take if we would eat them. As in everything, yo should not abuse of them. Berries tea preparation is very simple: take a selection of varied berries and boil them in plenty of water until the water has acquired a powerful red color (indicator that it has acquired the properties of red fruits that we have chosen).

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