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Natural skin rejuvenation: food, home remedies and tips

January 20, 2015

Our bodies are constantly regenerated; this means we have the opportunity to improve our health. Although our cells regenerate less rapidly as long as we get older, we can significantly accelerate the process of natural skin rejuvenation through healthy eating, taking two to three litres of water per day, exercising, getting enough sleep and refraining from actions that delay regeneration (consumption of saturated fats, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, stress and decrease in the presence of antioxidants in our body).

The human body cannot properly regenerate if you eat unhealthy foods: refined sugars, white bread, trans fats, cold meats and highly processed products. Recovering requires many antioxidants (fruits and green vegetables), protein (preferably vegetable), vitamin B (dry berries: blackberries, strawberries) and to drink plenty of water…

We have to follow 4 rules of thumb for Natural skin rejuvenation:

1) Sleep well, de-stress and strengthen your social life

Skin Rejuvenates during sleep. While you sleep, the muscles relax and circulation becomes lighter and more fluid. Also, as the skin at this point is not exposed to sun, wind or pollution, free radicals that accelerate cellular aging are eliminated in a greater amount than during the day.

Dinner has to be light.

Ventilate the room every morning to let oxygen in

Use a humidifier: heating and hot dry environment really harms the skin, drying it up a lot.

Try to go to sleep at the same hour every day and keep your room very dark and quiet at night.

When you don’ rest well your skin is the first to say, as it could not be repaired. Check first of all your emotional state and your diet.


2) Make sure you are eating the right thing

You should keep your skin nourished with a diet based on vegetables, Omega 3 fatty acids, fruits and good quality food.


3) Eliminate habits that slow cell regeneration.

Smoking (including passive smoking) and excessive alcohol consumption prevent your body from recovering; however, as soon these habits are left, the body begins to recover itself.


4) Practice some exercise to eliminate toxins




Tips to have a radiant skin:

Free your pores: before going to sleep wash your face very well, so that is free from grease, dust, dead cells, microbes, makeup or any agent that clogs the pores and, therefore, respiration cell, causing the skin to suffocate and gradually show more opaque, with pimples, dry, red and not smooth.

Create a cleaning routine: and preferably do it with mineral water, as ordinary water contains much chlorine, which dries skin. Try not to rub your skin when washing.

Use lotion after washing your skin. Apply a light night moisturizer and let the skin nourish and regenerate with the blood.



Use Aloe Vera, which is highly regenerating and stimulates the production of collagen or Rosa Mosqueta having a high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in cell growth and collagen synthesis.

Dry skins may use Olive Oil as a night moisturizer. Just apply a wet cotton pad over the clean skin at night, and wash deeply on the morning.

Problematic Oily skins: mix 2 tablespoons Hamamelis extract with 10 lemon juice drops for a toner. This natural remedy will help controlling oily skin and cleaning the oily and dirty surface that contributes to acne.

Use Vitamin C to blur sunspots and prevent them from appearing with flaccidity. We know it’s a powerful antioxidant; its regenerator role is secondary. It is essential in the synthesis of collagen: This treatment is especially firming, moisturizing, nourishing and antioxidant, which is crucial to enhance anti-aging skin action. You will notice a brighter and repaired skin. It’s advisable to take this treatment before and after summer.



Lips: how to keep them unwrinkled

Tiny wrinkles start appearing with the years (the skin of the lips is very vulnerable to dryness). Use specific treatments addressed to this area to avoid the formation of premature lines.

Exfoliate them and apply hydrating lip balm every day to keep them smooth.



Use protection with lipids and vegetable oils.

Tip: You can exfoliate your lips using a thin bristles bush to rub gently


Do not forget there’s no better beauty tip than a great smile and a positive attitude!


And also, at our SHA boutique you can find our beauty supplement to optimize skin, hair and nails care: Younger Skin 90 , that helps protect cells against oxidative stress, it promotes cell renewall and the production of collagen.




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