We reward your loyalty

SHA Privileged

SHA Privileged is an attractive loyalty program designed to reward our guests for their support and preference. We know that your loyalty is invaluable, and for this reason, we are committed to providing you with exceptional service in every interaction.

As a member of SHA Privileged, you are part of an exclusive community of guests whom we keep regularly informed about SHA novelties, relevant news, and other opportunities that allow you to maximize the benefits of your membership. We value your loyalty and aim to keep you informed and engaged at all times.

Through the APP you will be able to keep track of your level, the SHApphires you have accumulated, and the benefits you will be able to enjoy during your next stay.

Levels of SHA Privileged

Your stays
Booking another stay before your departure

How can you level up?

During your first visit to SHA Wellness Clinic, you will acquire the status of a SHA Privileged member, becoming part of the SHA family.

Thanks to a simple and automated points system, called SHApphires, you can access the different levels of loyalty and the benefits associated with each category.

The SHApphires will be automatically assigned to the holder of the reservation. However, if you wish, you can transfer your SHApphires to your companion, so that you can both enjoy the same level with the same benefits in future visits.

How can you level up?

During your first visit to SHA Wellness Clinic, you will acquire the status of a SHA Privileged member, becoming part of the SHA family.

Thanks to a simple and automated points system, called SHApphires, you can access the different levels of loyalty and the benefits associated with each category.

The SHApphires will be automatically assigned to the holder of the reservation. However, if you wish, you can transfer your SHApphires to your companion, so that you can both enjoy the same level with the same benefits in future visits.

Your stays
Booking another stay before your departure

Benefits by category

Welcome pack
Transfer SHApphires
From one SHA Privileged member to another
5% Boutique Discount
Discount not applicable during the sales season, nor cumulative with other promotions or offers in the Boutique**
5% Wellness Discount
Discount not applicable on Clinic Treatments**
Welcome pack
Transfer SHApphires
From one SHA Privileged member to another
10% Boutique Discount
Discount not applicable during the sales season, nor cumulative with other promotions or offers in the Boutique**
10% Wellness Discount
Discount not applicable on Clinic Treatments**
Laundry Service
Laundry service valued at €50 for a minimum stay of 7 days*
Late Check out
Subject to availability*
Welcome pack
Transfer SHApphires
From one SHA Privileged member to another
10% Boutique Discount
Discount not applicable during the sales season, nor cumulative with other promotions or offers in the Boutique**
10% Wellness Discount
Discount not applicable on Clinic Treatments**
Laundry Service
Laundry service valued at €50 for a minimum stay of 7 days*
10% Transfer Discount
Benefit subject to availability*
Suite Upgrade
Subject to availability at the time of check-in. Not applicable to the categories - Residences, Royal, or Presidential*
Room Service
Charge for room service outside breakfast, lunch and dinner hours*
Private Spa
Service available outside general hours. Only for a select number of SHA* guests
Private Cinema
Service available outside general hours. Only for a select number of SHA* guests
Late Check out
Subject to availability*
Free parking

*Non-cumulative benefit, so if you do not enjoy this stay, it will not be accumulated for the next one. Not transferable to other people. This benefit applies per suite. ** Non-cumulative benefit, so if not enjoyed on that stay, it will not be accumulated for the next one. Not transferable to other persons. Benefit applicable per SHA Privileged member based on their level.

Always at your disposal


If you wish to receive more information about the SHA Privileged Program or would like to check your status, category, or benefits, you can do so in the following manner:

By email, writing to shaprivileged@shawellness.com


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