Clinic Area



The SHA advanced physiotherapy team will perform an accurate diagnosis offering a personalised physiotherapy treatment. The Physiotherapy unit is comprised of a multidisciplinary team that aims to re-educate, prevent and treat neuromusculoskeletal and posture disorders, through the use of physical methods, therapeutic exercise and massage therapy, to restore functional movement. From the first physiotherapy consultation exploratory data is obtained with the respective assessment. A diagnosis is produced, the treatment is planned, and it is carried out using manual and instrument procedures. The results are assessed and reports are created about the patient´s progress, all with the purpose of improving the health of the guest in a personalised manner.


Physiotherapy Treatments

Physiotherapy Session

The Physiotherapy unit is comprised of a multidisciplinary team that aims to re-educate, prevent and treat neuromusculoskeletal and posture disorders, through the use of physical methods, therapeutic exercise and massage therapy, to restore functional movement. From the first physiotherapy consultation exploratory data is obtained with the respective assessment. A diagnosis is produced, the treatment is planned, and it is carried out using manual and instrument procedures. The results are assessed and reports are created about the patient ́s progress, all with the purpose of improving the health of the guest in a personalised manner.

Perineal and Pelvic Rehabilitation

We seek to improve pelvic health through sophisticated therapies and
personalised training of the pelvic floor. We also teach healthy daily habits. Recommended for women who have given birth or those whose pelvic floor has suffered damage, tension, or injuries that affect their proper function.

Motion Guidance

Using laser pointers on diagrams of movement, therapeutic work will help improve motor control and treat dysfunction or issue in the neuromuscu- lar-skeletal system, for both current pain and also as a preventative mea- sure. Recommended for cases of tension or pain in the neck and spine or joints, low muscle tone, post-surgery rehab, balance and coordination problems, postural re-education, and more. At the end of the session, you will receive a kit so you can continue the treatment once you return home.

Human Tecar® physiotherapy treatment

The Human Tecar® is an anti-muscle aging method that consists in the biostimulation of the body by maximizing the effectiveness and the speed of the therapy to restore the natural balance of the individual. It helps reactivate physiological processes and rebalance the body systems naturally, to recover the functions of the muscles.

This all-round treatment works on three biological systems, whose functions are essential for the health and wellness of the whole body:

  • Lymph system – it is in charge of supplying oxygen to the tissues.
  • Neuromuscular system –it is in charge of maintaining and improving muscle tone and strength.
  • Proprioceptive system – it is in charge of controlling the position of all the muscles of the body and keeping the right balance.

It involves three procedures that are used according to the assessment of the therapist and the needs of the patient:

  • Human Tecar® HCR 1002 to stimulate the circulatory system. It is an electromagnetic stimulator that mobilizes electrolytes, which boosts the metabolism of tissue on three levels by increasing the need for oxygen and nutrients. Consequently, the blood flow and the lymphatic circulation are stimulated.
  • Human Tecar® SYNERGY VISS to strengthen the neuromuscular system. An innovative neuromotor activation device is used that can re-establish the correct communication between the nervous system and the muscles by means of specific focused mechano-acoustic vibratory stimulation.
  • Human Tecar ® MAT to rebalance the proprioceptive system. Surfaces of different materials (sand, bumps, etc.) are used, which are designed to produce diverse levels of instability that force the body to constantly adapt itself and restore the balance during the exercises suggested by the therapist in order to “train” the proprioceptive system.
Jose Luis Tabueña
Physiotherapist graduate by the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University. SGraduado en Fisioterapia por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Specialized in the Maitland concept in Assessment and Treatment of Neuro-musculo-skeletal Pathologies at the Postgraduate Institute of Manual Therapy. Specialized in the McKenzie Method of Diagnosis and Mechanical Therapy (MDT) in Vertebral Column. Specialized in Neurodynamics: Mobilizations of the Peripheral Nervous System. José Luis has experience in back and shoulder school programs as well as postural education. He has participated as a speaker in the VII National Congress of Physiotherapy Students of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, and to that must be added his participation in a research study conducted by the Physiotherapy department of the Miguel Hernández University. He is also specialized in Reflexology with many years of experience in this discipline.