Traditional Chinese Medicine Services
An oriental diagnostic alongside a Traditional Chinese Medicine session (acupuncture, electromagnetic heat lamp, or both, depending on the criteria of the therapist). The route of bioenergetic movements (Chi) across the body are alternated with soft and small needle insertions or by the application of localized heat (electromagnetic heat lamp) to re- balance, tone or sedate functions of specific organs. Both disciplines have been recognized and certified by the World Health Organization.
Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to preserve and restore health through the balance and harmony of the different organs.
The application of localised heat in different acupuncture points allows us to improve and regulate the body’s energy ow, eliminating internal cold and relieving common ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Moxibustion can be performed with the traditional system or by using the special electromagnetic spectrum lamp. In SHA we use the TDP lamp, which is a therapeutic device developed in China in 1980 by a group of medical doctors and scientists at the Institute of Chongqing. The TDP lamp has proved to be extremely effective for treating a number of ailments. Similarly to what happens in the acupuncture treatment, it positively influences the energy ow of the meridians. Patients feel a highly enjoyable and benefcial heat.
Treatment with Laser Needle technology allows for precise laser irradiation on the affected tissue, and can even reach deeper layers of tissue. The tissue can be irradiated in different areas simultaneously, thus creating new therapeutic possibilities for the effective treatment of muscle injuries and hamstring injuries. It can also be applied as a complementary treatment to acupuncture, or as a replacement, in the cases of patients where, for different reasons, it is not possible to use traditional needles.