SHA Wellness Clinic launches a new programme designed to improve the physical health and mental performance of people in leadership positions.

The “Leader’s Performance” programme focuses on maintaining optimal health under high levels of activity, exertion and stress, improving performance and productivity.

According to data from the 2021 Global Leadership Forecast study, six out of ten managers suffer extreme exhaustion at the end of the day. Achieving a position of leadership in any field (business, banking, sport, the stock market, politics, industry) requires an enormous amount of effort, dedication and sacrifice and, at the same time, demands optimum physical and mental performance. Great leaders work in a hyper-competitive world in which mistakes are not allowed and they regularly coexist with extremely high levels of stress and demands. Constant travel, time zone changes, the immediacy of decision-making and the obligation to work in multitasking mode gradually affect both general health and cognitive capacities.

When continuously exposed to a high level of activity, stress and decision-making, as is common in a leadership position, an excess of cortisol is generated, producing negative consequences on several systems and organs: brain and cognitive level, digestive and metabolism, cardiovascular, immune, skin, sexual and reproductive systems, and so it is key to monitor and take care of your health. Although it is not always possible to control the factors that generate stress, it is possible to have a condition and the appropriate tools to react to stress in the best way possible without sacrificing your health.

SHA Wellness Clinic has been helping leaders in different fields to achieve their health goals and reach their maximum intellectual potential for 15 years. As a result of this experience, SHA’s multidisciplinary team of experts has created Leader’s Performance, a new programme focused on the specific needs of all those who face high levels of activity, effort and stress on a daily basis and who wish to improve their performance and productivity while taking care of their health.

As Vicente Mera, head of the Healthy Ageing Unit and specialist in Sleep Medicine at SHA Wellness Clinic, explains, “CEOs and senior executives are used to prioritising professional goals in their daily lives and it is essential that they transfer this prioritisation to their health care. That’s why we suggest that for at least one week a year they create an agenda, similar to their work diary, in which they write down 10-year strategic health resolutions with annual tactical objectives. In the “Leader’s Performance” programme, we work on the seven areas with the greatest impact on health and physical and cognitive performance: diet, physical exercise, rest, stress and emotion management, detoxification, recovery of the intestinal microbiota and hormonal balance. Of course, all protocols are customised according to the condition, age, gender and specific goals of each guest.

At SHA we are aware that, between today’s hectic pace of life and intense work responsibilities, it is very difficult to find time for self-care. Leader’s Perfomance has been designed as an intensive, week-long programme that includes the most cutting-edge neurocognitive stimulation treatments, the most effective holistic therapies, fully personalised nutrition and training plans, breathing and stress management classes, ozone therapy sessions, hormone supplementation consultation, biological profile analysis and a bioenergetic assessment. The ultimate goal is for each guest to reach their maximum physical and mental potential and enjoy an optimal state of health and well-being.

If you want to know more about the Leader’s Performance programme, please click here.